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The Shed

The Shed

The Shed

The Shed is an inclusive, non-judgemental space to encourage an open dialogue around male health, as well as improve men’s emotional resilience and advance allyship.

The Shed is Channel 4's newest staff network.

Based on many discussions with male employees, it had been highlighted that there wasn't a dedicated space for men to talk about issues directly related to them, particularly regarding male physical and mental health. Despite Channel 4's wealth of inclusive staff networks that occasionally tackle male focused issues, there had been a lack of engagement from men; some men felt that it is important marginalised groups have a louder voice over their own. By creating The Shed, Channel 4 hope that this new group will change this lack of engagement and encourage more men to be part of driving an inclusive culture at Channel 4.

The Shed are not afraid to tackle hard-hitting subjects, ask some big questions... or have some beers and socialise with the fellow Shedders.